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Contrinex RFID (High frequency)
Advantages of Contrinex high frequency technology.
The RS485 Contrinex protocol allows a network of up to 254 read write modules (RWMs) to be connected, without an extra interface.
The system works in rough environments (oil, detergents etc.)
The Contrinex RFID HF system is standardized using ISO 15693. This means that the Contrinex RWMs can read/write any tag that conforms to the standard and that any other RWMs that conform to this standard can read/write Contrinex tags.
The RS485 Contrinex network can be connected to industrial field buses (PROFIBUS-DP, DeviceNet, EtherNet/IP, PROFINET IO, EtherCAT, Open Modbus/TCP, POWERLINK, SERCOS III).
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