SFB Technology (Selective Fuse Breaking)
- Six times the nominal current for 15 ms triggers standard miniature circuit breakers quickly and reliably
- In the event of short-circuits, faulty current paths are disconnected selectively
- Faults are isolated to ensure that key system parts remain in operation without interruptions
For superior system availability, standard circuit breakers must be triggered magnetically to disconnect faulty current paths selectively. To ensure this, the SFB Technology supplies several times the nominal current for a short period, thus providing the necessary power reserve.
Your advantages
- SFB Technology selectively triggers standard circuit breakers; loads connected in parallel continue working without interruption
- Preventive function monitoring reports critical operating states before errors occur
- Power reserve for easy system extension with a static boost with a sustained power of up to 125% and the ability to start heavy loads with a dynamic boost of up to 200% for five seconds
- High level of immunity with integrated gas discharge tube, more than 20 ms mains buffering
- Available preconfigured: from a batch quantity of just one
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