Contrinex RFID transponders (tags)
Operating principle.
Transponders (tags) are passive, i.e. they have no built-in battery. The operating energy required is transmitted by the read/write module in the form of a carrier (electromagnetic wave). During communication between the transponder and the read/write module, this carrier is modulated by the data exchanged.
Transponder memory.
The transponder’s integrated circuit consists of a memory which, generally speaking, can be “read only”, “read/write”, or even writable once, then read only (One Time Programmable, OTP). CONTRINEX transponders are all of the type read/write.Users have 120 words, each of 16 bit, at their disposal for recording data relative to the tagged object. It should be emphasized that, if users so wish, memory zones of their choice can be “read” and/or “write” protected by a personal identification number (PIN) or by protection bits.
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